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Jiro Saruwatari


+81 3 5219 04 66


Jiro Saruwatari is a core member of the firm’s Industrial Practice Group and Consumer Practice Group. Based in Tokyo, he provides board consulting, management appraisal, and leadership development consulting to industrial and consumer clients. Jiro is also active in the firm’s Board Consulting practice.

Developing strong management teams requires creative thinking. Frank discussions with clients help me propose unique solutions that fit their needs. This is where we provide real value and impact.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Jiro was Manager in the Global Original Equipment Business Planning Department and worked in the OE Sales Division at Bridgestone Corporation. Earlier, he was an Account Manager in Detroit at Bridgestone.

Jiro has a BA in law from Keio University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is a certified coach for Immunity To Change. He enjoys sailing, music, and gardening.

コンシューマープラクティスグループ及び製造業プラクティスグループのコアメンバー。 自動車メーカー・自動車部品メーカーを中心とした製造業及び消費財や流通業界の国内外クライアントを担当。CEOサクセッション、経営幹部の採用、経営陣のアセスメント、経営層のリーダーシップ開発、社外取締役招聘、取締役会改革、組織強化などに従事。


慶應義塾大学 法学部法律学科卒業、ハーバード大学経営大学院 MBA取得。ハーバード大学教育大学院のロバート・キーガン教授による自己変革手法 Immunity To Change (ITC) の認定コーチ。

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