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プライベートキャピタル業界にはこれまでに無いほど大量の資金流入が続いており、投資活動も増大し続けています。この分野では長期的フォーカスを据えているEgon Zehnderは成長する有能人材関連の需要に対応できる固有の才能に恵まれています。数十年以来、弊社はホームベースから新たな地理的進出を図りたいプライベートキャピタル企業から最も信頼されてきたパートナーであり、地理的にはホームベースがヨーロッパや米国、アジア等を問わず対応しています。


プライベートキャピタルの有能人材調達には明瞭に異なる二側面がございます。ファンドレベルで見ますと、こうした企業はすべての業務をカバーできる最も優れる経営者を必要としています。すなわち、投資プロ、業務パートナー、上級顧問、人事、IR、資本市場、CFO(最高財務責任者)、COO(常務)等の機能的管理職が求められています。ポートフォリオレベルで見ますと、最高〇〇責任者層や役員が全業界に共通して広く求められています。これらの地域的に高度に特化した企業のために弊社の奥深い地域別業界別専門知識を全ビジネス分野で横断的にご利用いただけるようにしています(コンシューマーヘルスケアファイナンシャルサービステクノロジーとコミュニケーション製造業サービス業) — すべてがプライベートキャピタルの相手方と足並みを揃えています。

Egon Zehnderの一社モデルはこうした産業動態に適合して貢献しております。弊社の地理的および業界をカバーする広さ(36ヵ国にオフィス65拠点展開)および奥行きのある専門能力(弊社の600名以上のコンサルタンツはほぼ全員が産業界から採用されているため、最も業界で共通認識されている課題を把握している)のおかげで国を横断的に円滑なサービスを提供することができます。他のコンサルティング会社も複数地域にまたがるプロジェクトをサポートしている一人の担当者で対応できている場合もありますが、Egon Zehnderの場合はこの構造がシームレスで有機的です。



プライベートキャピタル コンサルタント

Claude Shaw

Claude Shaw

New York Office Leader

Global Lead

Claude Shaw is the Managing Partner of Egon Zehnder’s New York office and a member of the firm’s global Executive Committee. 詳細

Kenna Baudin

Kenna Baudin

New York

US Lead

Based in New York, Kenna Wyllie Baudin serves as Global Head of Private Capital. She focuses on senior-level executives at private capital funds… 詳細

Karl Alleman

Karl Alleman


Karl Alleman has a long track record of helping large multinationals, family-owned enterprises, and private equity firms solve their most important… 詳細

Naveed Bandukwala

Naveed Bandukwala


Naveed Bandukwala, based in Chicago, leads Egon Zehnder’s North America Automotive and Mobility Practice. With experience across the automotive and… 詳細

Patrick Robinson

Patrick Robinson


Pat Robinson, based in Chicago, is a core member of Egon Zehnder’s Services and Industrial Practices. He is also active in the firms Supply… 詳細

Max Penning

Max Penning


Based in Chicago, Max Penning is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial, Services, and Private Capital practices. He is a strategic advisor to global… 詳細

Olli Laurén

Olli Laurén

Washington, D.C.

Olli Lauren serves as a senior adviser in Washington DC. He is also a member of Egon Zehnder’s Global Machinery & Industrial Technology practice. 詳細

Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Atlanta, New York

Eric Anderson, based in Atlanta, serves as the Global Co-Head of the Technology Practice and is a trusted advisor to clients on board governance… 詳細

Kristen Burke

Kristen Burke


Kristen Burke, based in Atlanta, leads in the firm’s Human Resource Officer practice at the intersection of Consumer and Technology… 詳細

Glenn Zweig

Glenn Zweig


Based in Atlanta, Glenn Zweig is a leader in the Firm’s CFO and Tech practices with a specialization in Software, Digital, and Tech-Enabled Services. 詳細

Grant Clayton

Grant Clayton

Atlanta, Palo Alto

Based in Atlanta, Grant Clayton leads Egon Zehnder’s CFO and Audit Chair practice in the U.S. Previously, he served as the Managing Partner of the… 詳細

Manuel Waenke

Manuel Waenke

New York

Based in New York City, Manuel Waenke advises companies and organizations on key leadership challenges and executive recruitment 詳細

David Noble

David Noble

New York

David Noble is globally trusted by CEOs and their teams, boards of directors, investors and star athletes to help them crack high-stakes leadership… 詳細

Marieke Witjes

Marieke Witjes

New York

Based in New York, Marieke Witjes is globally active across Egon Zehnder’s Services, Consumer, and Private Equity practice. 詳細

Anne-Claire Monod

Anne-Claire Monod

New York

Anne-Claire Monod is a sought-out advisor to industrial businesses who has developed trusted relationships with Fortune 500 corporations as well as… 詳細

Kshitij Mohta

Kshitij Mohta

New York

Kshitij Mohta, based in New York, operates at the intersection of Health and private equity, working with both growth equity and large buy out firms… 詳細

Thought Leadership | プライベートキャピタル

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What Makes an Ideal Private Equity CFO?

What Makes an Ideal Private Equity CFO?

As private equity firms look to maximize value from their investments, it is critical to ensure that portfolio company management teams have the right… 詳細

Competency and Potential – A Model for Private Equity Operating Partners

Competency and Potential – A Model for Private Equity Operating Partners

The battle cry of private equity, with clever financial engineering no longer a differentiator and much of the investable universe having shifted from mega-deals… 詳細

The private equity board: a good governance model?

The private equity board: a good governance model?

In a recent study which analysed 70 successful private equity deals, perhaps surprisingly, McKinsey found that the primary source of value creation in the… 詳細

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