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Sander Markiet


+41 44 267 69 53


Sander Markiet is a leadership advisor, based in Zurich. He provides a variety of leadership development-related services such as culture assessments, team journeys, psychometric appraisals, coaching, and more. Sander is a performance coach and a positive psychologist.

I get excited about advancing leaders and help bridge the gap from where they are now to what they are capable of becoming. In these moments, they transcend their limitations and operate at their best.

Before his time at Egon Zehnder, Sander founded and managed a boutique consulting firm specializing in leadership development and well-being. In addition, Sander worked as the Senior Career Development Manager for the MBA programs at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), where he was responsible for designing and delivering leadership development programs. Before that, Sander was an Executive consultant at a boutique leadership consulting firm.

Sander holds Master’s degrees in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London and a Business Administration degree from the University of Applied Sciences Lucerne. Furthermore, he holds various coaching and psychometric certifications such as Hogan, Optimize Coach, Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessments, and others. When not working, he enjoys trail runs, watching the NBA and Football games, and spending time in nature with his spouse and two children.

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