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Neue Zürcher Zeitung – Tomorrow’s Executives Have Different Priorities

  • Dezember 2017
  • 1 Min. Lesezeit

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Neue Zürcher Zeitung – Tomorrow’s Executives Have Different Priorities

Achieving a healthy life-work balance is a top priority for today's young professionals, notes Egon Zehnder’s Eduard Knezevic in the Neuer Zürcher Zeitung. Unlike older executives, many young potential managers don't want to spend all of their time in the office. Given that both partners in younger couples tend to pursue careers, today's young managers also tend to think carefully before accepting assignments abroad, Knezevic adds.

Full story: Do Millennials Tick Differently, or are they just Young? (“Ticken Millennials anders, oder sind sie einfach nur jung?“ in the Swiss daily Neuer Zürcher Zeitung (5 December 2017).

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