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Orsolya Oszabo


+36 1 354 2118


Orsolya Oszabo, based in Budapest, primarily advises clients in Central and Eastern Europe on executive recruitment and C-suite succession, as well as leadership and talent development. She works globally as a member of Egon Zehnder’s Health and Industrial practices.

As I build connections and match talent with strategy, the nonlinear nature of human relationships always amazes me.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Orsolya worked with clients in the telecommunications, financial services, consumer, and public sectors for the market research company Ipsos.

Orsolya has an MBA from HEC School of Management, in Paris, and an MA in psychology from the University of Debrecen, in Hungary. She was also a Visiting Researcher at the University of Amsterdam. Her interests include psychology, nature, animals (especially dogs), and the relationship between people and technology.

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