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Twinkle Gupta


+1 212 519 6294

Based in New York, Twinkle Gupta is active in Egon Zehnder’s Technology & Communications Practice, guiding clients in building high-performing leadership teams and driving corporate growth. Her expertise spans CEO and C suite searches, developing leaders, transforming corporate cultures, and boosting the effectiveness of executive teams.

Imagine a world where leaders inspire, not dictate. Where vision ignites action and purpose fuels progress. That’s the world I work toward every day.”

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Twinkle was the Chief Product Officer at Access Information Management in Boston charged with building that company’s digital business. Prior to that she was with Gartner at its global headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut, serving successively as the Vice President for Program Management, Managing Vice President, and Group Vice President for global client growth and retention. Earlier, Twinkle honed her management consulting skills at McKinsey and Co. in Chicago.

Twinkled earned a BSE with a double major in biomedical engineering and electrical engineering from Duke University and an MS in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University. Outside work she enjoys traveling widely with her husband, spending time with their two young daughters, and practicing yoga.

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