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Magali Soulier


+33 1 44 31 81 67


Based in Paris, Magali Soulier is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Services, Media and Technology practices. As part of her focus, she leads for Paris the Hospitality, Media and AdTech, Data and AI officers’ practices. Magali’s services include executive and non-executive search and leadership development programs.

Capable leadership contributes to building a better world. I’m passionate about working with leaders and organizations to help them build a strong foundation for their success.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Magali spent eight years at Google, most recently leading its analytics and data technology business in France while concurrently serving as a member of the board of the French Mobile Marketing Association. Before that, she worked at the French pay TV company Canal+ and launched her career at the Boston Consulting Group in France and Los Angeles, leading projects across due diligence, new business integration, strategic assessment and other areas.

Magali earned an MSc in management from HEC and has also completed the TLC Leaders Program and the IMM Leadership Program.

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