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Chie Iida

Chie Iida, based in Tokyo, is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Leadership Advisory, Board Consulting, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion practices. Valued for her acumen, deep experience, and sound advice, she provides advice on CEO succession, talent strategy, assessment, leadership development, and board and executive searches to business leaders at a wide range of global companies across sectors that include technology & communications, consumer products and services, and healthcare. Chie also leverages her mastery of psychological and coaching methods to unlock leaders’ potential.

I’m energized by supporting leaders who strive to make a difference in something larger than themselves, and firmly believe in the role of leadership for creating a better world.

Chie initially joined Egon Zehnder as a junior associate consultant before becoming a consultant after two years. Before that, she had a decade of diplomatic career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. She served as Chief of Protocol and Executive Assistant to the Ambassador, and Lead for Policies for Women Empowerment at the Japanese Embassy in Bangkok. Earlier, Chie served as the Officer for General Affairs and executive interpreter in the Japanese embassy in Washington, D.C. She began her career as Japan’s Political and Cultural Affairs Officer in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi.

Chie earned a BA in law from Hitotsubashi University, an MA in art history from the University of Sussex, and an MS in social anthropology from the University of Oxford. Earlier, she received a full scholarship to attend Lester B. Pearson College in Canada and spent a year as a volunteer school assistant in the Arctic. Outside work, Chie enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters, striving to be a role model for the latter.





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