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Eric Tung


+1 416 364 0222

Eric Tung is active in Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services, Digital, and Technology practices. Based in Toronto, he leverages his experience as an operator and advisor to help organizations tackle executive talent acquisition, leadership development, and diversity & inclusion challenges.

I’m passionate about understanding what drives and motivates leaders and helping them unlock their potential for building their organizations authentically.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Eric was with Dext, serving as the General Manager for North America. Previously, he was a Vice President at Scotiabank, where he led strategic sales and customer experience programs for the Bank’s Latin American consumer business and launched its global digital transformation. Earlier in his career, Eric was an Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Co and held multiple marketing roles at eBay.

Eric earned a Bachelor’s of Applied Science degree in industrial engineering from the University of Toronto, a Master’s degree in public administration in international development from Harvard Kennedy School, and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He sits on the board of WoodGreen Community Services, one of Canada’s largest social services agencies, and on the mentorship board of One League, a global institution that helps the world’s top potential talent receive a world-class education irrespective of their financial means.

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