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Rachael De Renzy Channer



Rachael De Renzy Channer is Egon Zehnder’s Global Head of Sustainability. She was part of the Industrial and Board Practice Groups in London and led the Firm’s Sustainability Practice. She has extensive experience conducting executive search, leadership advisory, and sustainability work with our clients.

I believe “Servant Leaders” will help create a sustainable future through businesses that are committed to delivering value to multiple stakeholders

Rachael spent twelve years in the Army, having commissioned from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst into the Royal Artillery. A large part of her military career was spent focussing on leadership and development. Rachael retired from the Army with the rank of Major and joined Invensys Plc as part of a new Corporate Security team, before moving into the Corporate Strategy function. She subsequently moved into the Schneider Electric UK & Ireland business as Head of Strategy Implementation. Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Rachael led Strategy at Avon Rubber – leading Artis their Material Consultancy business with a focus on driving increased sustainability through innovative technology.

A life-long learner – she has a BA (Hons) in War Studies from King’s College London, an MBA from the OU and an MSc in Global Security from Cranfield University.

Rachael is passionate about finding and developing great leaders who drive business results and have a “ripple effect” by growing high performing teams around them.


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