Egon Zehnder
Consumer Brainteaser 2016
Talent & Customer Centricity re-defined
The Consumer Brainteaser addresses the CEOs of the leading Swiss-based consumer companies and the CMOs of the major global companies in Switzerland.
This will be a lively and inspirational gathering in a fun and relaxed atmosphere aiming to tease your brains through interactive discussions on two distinct topics: a) overcoming personal change blockers, and b) re-defining customer experience. It offers a unique opportunity for sharing experiences and developing new ideas in a non-public setting.
Egon Zehnder would be honored to welcome you
on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 18 : 00
at Jelmoli – The House of Brands – Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich.
We request your understanding that this exclusive invitation is for you personally and is not transferable.
18.00 Aperitifs and four different customer experiences by Jelmoli
19.00 Braintease-Introductions followed by interactive dinner conversations in a rotating set-up
21.30 Nightcap
RSVP by telephone or e-mail to
Tanja Basaraner, Egon Zehnder
T +41 44 267 69 03
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