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  • 七月 2017
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder Supports European Digital Health Days

“Big versus Smart – Data Creating the Future of Better Healthcare,” was the focus of this year’s European Digital Health Days held on 1 June 2017 in Berlin with the support of Egon Zehnder. This unique event brings together key health sector stakeholders from start-ups to major pharma companies and public sector institutions. This year it featured wide-ranging panel discussions primarily aimed at promoting and accelerating digital health innovation in Europe. The event was organized by The Partnership for Digital Health, an initiative involving leaders from industry and politics. The Partnership was co-founded by Egon Zehnder’s Friederich Kuhn, who closed the event by asking the leaders in the room how leadership behavior needs to change to promote digital health innovation.

One participant argued that mindset is essential: “Institutions need to be much bolder and follow the example of Google, for example, where an entire division is called ‘other bets’ where they can think and spend a lot of money on the ‘next big thing.’” Another leader saw the need for all players involved to step out of their comfort zone and rethink how they operate: “We need to use the power of partnership to make change a reality.”

Further information is available at

Follow the discussion in full at #EDHD2017

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