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Industry Today – How Industrial Leaders Can Navigate Digital Disruption

  • 七月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Industry Today – How Industrial Leaders Can Navigate Digital Disruption

The machinery industry is seeing exciting changes in the form of smart machineries such as vehicles predicting destinations to economical 3-D printing. Olli Laurén from Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice write for Industry Today to explain how industrial leaders should begin preparing to navigate these and future digital disruptions. They note six steps leaders can take to build a proper team: create a sense of urgency; adopt a systems mindset; assess and adapt company culture; grow leadership capabilities; experiment with new strategies; and execute innovative approaches. “Identify and promote more ‘horizontal thinkers’ who can bring together ideas from multiple disciplines to build the machinery systems of tomorrow,” Laurén and Vohra write.

Full story: Olli Laurén: Getting the Leaders You Need to Build the Systems of the Future, in Industry Today (July 2015).

Pavan Vohra (1962-2016) contributed to this expertise as Co-Author.

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