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Key criteria for first-time board members

  • 十一月 2013
  • 1 min read

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Financial Times – Key criteria for first-time board members

What factors should executives joining a board for the first time take into consideration, asks Andrew Lowenthal, a consultant at Egon Zehnder, London, in an article for the Financial Times? Candidates should feel confident that they can contribute to the company they choose, notes Lowenthal. He also advises executives to seek a board that is chaired by a challenging individual who they would like to work with. Summing up, Lowenthal writes, “My ultimate criterion when considering joining a board would be: is this a group of people I want to face a crisis with?”

Full story: Andrew Lowenthal: “If I was…considering joining a board” in the Financial Times (7 November 2013)

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