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David Campbell


+61 3 9678 9664


David Campbell leads Egon Zehnder’s Retail, Consumer, Health, and Technology practices in Australia. He specializes in board and CEO succession but is also a trusted advisor on leadership development, and he provides accelerated integration support to leaders transitioning into new roles. Additionally, David is active across the firm’s CEO Succession, Board Consulting, Accelerated Integration, Consumer, and Industrial practices.

Helping directors and executives identify, pursue, and achieve their ambitions is a great honor and privilege.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, David led an apparel retail business, and before that managed a beverage business with a portfolio of market leading brands. His previous roles included General Manager for Outerwear at Pacific Brands Ltd., Group General Manager for Juice and Beverages, General Manager for Corporate Strategy and Strategic Programs and Senior Brand Manager at National Foods Ltd., and Business Systems Manager at Linfox Pty Ltd. At the start of his career, David worked for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) designing and delivering strategic change programs before joining one of Australia’s leading logistics service providers.

David earned Bachelor of Engineering (with Honors) and Bachelor of Science degrees from Monash University and an MBA (with Distinction) from the Melbourne Business School. He enjoys working closely with various not-for-profit organizations, helping them with their talent decisions and leadership development. David strives to stay fit and healthy, and when not working spends as much time as possible with his partner and their four growing children.

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