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Rodolfo Pelitz


+55 11 3039 0709

Based in São Paulo, Rodolfo Pelitz is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services Practice in São Paulo. In addition to helping clients in Brazil find and assess appropriately qualified candidates for management-level positions, he leverages his expertise in digital technologies to support banks, FinTechs, digital retail companies, and startups and is passionate about promoting agile environments and diversity in organizations.

I firmly believe that people are companies’ number one asset. Having appropriately motivated talent in the right positions confers a crucial competitive advantage.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Rodolfo was with McKinsey & Company, initially as a business analyst and later becoming an Associate and then an Engagement Manager in charge of consulting projects for digital clients. Earlier, he served as a Strategic Planning Coordinator at the São Paulo Museum of Art. Rodolfo launched his career as a business analyst at Booz & Company.

Rodolfo earned an undergraduate degree in industrial engineering from the Escola Politecnica engineering school at the University of São Paulo before spending a year studying at the École Centrale de Lyon (ECL) in France and completing an MBA from INSEAD in Singapore while also doing internships at Groupe Casino in France and the Vanzolini Foundation in Brazil. Outside work he enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, gardening, and bricolage, visiting museums and art galleries, and going to concerts and film festivals with his family.

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