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Georgine Roesle

Based in Zurich, Georgine is active in Egon Zehnder’s Technology and Financial Services practices. She advises public, private, and family-run companies and leads both executive and board searches as well as leadership advisory mandates. She leverages her experience and expertise in high-growth and technology-led companies to steer transformation processes and manage growth. Further, she has special expertise in digital assets and distributed ledger technologies (including blockchain). Georgine is a valued adviser with a strong talent for identifying and honing leaders’ and entrepreneurs’ potential, especially in multicultural environments.

What energizes me is helping to create tailored solutions for exceptional leaders and companies with unique cultural values, ambitions, and needs.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Georgine gained experience working for companies in different stages, each of which faced different leadership and operational challenges. Most recently she was the Head of B2B Technology Services and first employee hired by the founders at Sygnum Bank, the world’s first digital asset bank. Prior to that, Georgine was at Leonteq Securities AG, a midsized publicly listed FinTech company, serving first as the Head of Strategic & Corporate Development and then managing the CEO Office division that included strategic & corporate development, strategic HR and marketing teams. Earlier, she held a variety of investment advisory and research roles at HSBC Bank in Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, New York and Switzerland.

Georgine studied at HEC Lausanne and the University of Zurich where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics and business administration with a major in banking and finance before completing an MBA at IE Business School in Madrid. Outside work, Georgine likes playing golf and tennis, skiing, sailing and hiking. Her interests include art and music, and she is actively involved in charitable organizations.

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