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Kosuke Nagamine

Based in Tokyo, Kosuke Nagamine supports clients in the pharmaceutical, medical devices, and biotech sectors as an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Health Practice. He is especially passionate about helping leaders create an environment that helps them and their colleagues unlock their potential while experiencing greater excitement, growth, and self-fulfillment.

I’m energized by working every day with people to help them solve complex problems and achieve greater fulfillment, both personally and in their work.

Prior to becoming an Egon Zehnder consultant, Kosuke was with McKinsey & Co. in Tokyo, initially as an Associate before becoming an Associate Partner in that organization’s healthcare practice. Earlier he was responsible for carrier relations and services planning in the global business division of NTT DOCOMO, Inc,, also in Tokyo, before being seconded to New York to assume the role of business development manager.

Kosuke earned a BSc degree from the Cardiff business school of the University of Wales and an MBA from the IESE Business School of the University of Navarra in Spain. He and his wife are raising a daughter.





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