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Yuna Shirahama


Based in Tokyo, Yuna is an active member of Egon Zehnder’s Leadership Advisory, Board Consulting, and Services practices. She provides support on CEO succession, assessment and development, board and executive searches and team building. She is valued by clients for her deep understanding of people, firm grasp of corporate issues, and constructive advice on them. She supports companies across a wide range of industries including trading and investment, private equity and manufacturing.

I’m passionate about helping business leaders make a greater impact on companies for the long-term growth.

Prior to joining Egon Zender, Yuna worked as a consultant at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI), where she was involved in strategy planning, business process improvement, and corporate restructuring projects. During part of that time, she was seconded to Misaki Capital Inc., a Tokyo-based engagement investment firm.

Yuna earned a bachelor of commerce degree and an MBA from Hitotsubashi University.





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