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Elies Abdelmalek

Elies Abdelmalek is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice. With his extensive industry and consulting experience, he helps clients in the energy, mining and manufacturing sectors identify and cultivate the leaders they need in order to drive innovation and grow profitably. Digital transformation and sustainability are among Elies’s focuses.

I’m passionate about encouraging agile and visionary leadership that is able to steer organisations through market changes and disruptions.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Elies was with Honeywell Connected Industrials in Dubai, most recently as the Senior Director for Global Solutions Consulting leading a global team of Industry 4.0 transformation experts. Before that he served energy companies and public institutions across the Middle East as an Engagement Manager working for McKinsey & Co. Elies launched his career with Cegelec O&G and Areva, where he gained valuable engineering and project management experience across Dubai, Paris, and Algeria.

Elies earned an MA in electrical engineering from CentraleSupélec (France) and an MBA from INSEAD. Outside work, he enjoys traveling with his wife and two children and challenging himself in multiple sports including football, obstacle racing and Crossfit.

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