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Lauren Airdien-Davids

Lauren Airdien-Davids is a consultant in Egon Zehnder’s Sub-Saharan Africa office. She is a trusted advisor to executives, with a focus on sustainable business models, energy transition and new energy technologies. She is active in the Firm’s Automotive, Marketing and Consumer practices and advises CEOs and senior business leadership on strategic opportunities and business transformation challenges.

Leaders are change makers – I am passionate about driving change by partnering with leaders to think through their most critical strategic challenges, enabling them to be relevant and sustainable in an ever-changing world.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Lauren was leading business development for Shell Downstream in South Africa, where she spearheaded the realization of long-term strategic projects, supply chain optimization and business development. With over a decade of experience in the Oil and Gas Industry, Lauren has retained diverse integrated value chain experience, combined with a proven track-record of performance excellence and mastery of stakeholder relationship building.

Lauren has a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the North-West University and an MBA from Stellenbosch University Business School. In her spare time, she takes part in various youth upskilling programs through motivational speaking and career guidance. She enjoys hiking, travelling, spending time with her family and is a keen golfer.


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