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CEO Succession: Make Potential a Top Priority

  • 十一月 2014
  • 1 min read

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Oil & Gas Monitor – CEO Succession: Make Potential a Top Priority

With a massive leadership talent shortage on the horizon, the oil and gas industry needs to radically overhaul its approach to identifying and developing leadership talent. In an article for Oil & Gas Monitor Egon Zehnder consultants Trent Aulbaugh, Steven Goodman and Carol SingletonSlade highlight the need to go beyond the industry’s traditional competency-based model. In a complex, fast-changing business environment: “The key attribute for leadership success then becomes the potential a candidate has for growing rapidly into unforeseen situations, learning the competencies and skills that she or she will need along the way,” write the authors. In their experience, potential can be measured by four personality traits: curiosity, insight, engagement and determination.
A multi-pronged approach to assessing leadership featuring an onus on potential offers “an essential perspective on who is able to adjust and flourish in times of ongoing, unpredictable change.”

Full story: Trent Aulbaugh, Steven Goodman and Carol Singleton Slade: Potential: The Essential Quality When Assessing CEO Candidates in Oil & Gas Monitor (17 November 2014).

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