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HREOnline – Adopt a Proactive Approach to Personal Development

  • 四月 2016
  • 1 min read

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HREOnline – Adopt a Proactive Approach to Personal Development

Do executives feel that their company helps them to unlock their professional potential, asks HRE online? According to a recent Egon Zehnder study entitled: Leadership Identity -- What Makes You Thrive, which surveyed 1,275 senior executives worldwide, 72 percent said they would welcome more help from their company to pinpoint and pursue [their] motivations and goals. Egon Zehnder consultant Wolfhart Pentz, co-author of the study, confirms that, in many cases, Leaders are aware of their values and their sources of meaning and motivation. Still, they often don't pay enough attention to them. He urges executives to develop a sense of self-responsibility and adopt a more proactive approach when it comes to their personal development needs.

Full story: Mark McGraw: “Unlocking Leaders’ True Potential” in Human Resource Exective Online (21 April 2016).

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