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The Economic Times – Consumer Marketing Execs in India Join Tech Companies

  • 七月 2015
  • 1 min read

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The Economic Times – Consumer Marketing Execs in India Join Tech Companies

In the past several months, many top-level marketing executives in India have left multinational consumer and restaurant companies like Burger King and Coca-Cola to join emerging firms in the technology sector, reports The Economic Times. Rohithari Rajan, leader of Egon Zehnder’s consumer products, retail and media practice in India, told the publication that many consumer companies in India have recently re-organized, moving to category-led models or eliminating regional leadership roles. “This has affected senior marketers, as roles either get phased out or become less attractive,” Rajan said.

Full story: Ratna Bhushan and Anumeha Chaturvedi: Many top-level marketing executives leaving traditional companies to join new age enterprises, in The Economic Times (31 July 2015).

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