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The Economic Times – Indian Consumer Goods Firms Favour Young Leaders

  • 八月 2015
  • 1 min read

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The Economic Times – Indian Consumer Goods Firms Favour Young Leaders

As a new generation of customers emerges, India’s fast moving consumer goods companies are increasingly promoting young leaders who can connect with them. “Companies are increasingly betting on potential, looking for innate ability to lead and deliver, rather than experience alone. With the pace of change and volatility as high as they are, you need someone capable of surmounting challenges that don’t exist today and cannot be anticipated,” explains Rohithari Rajan, leader of Egon Zehnder’s consumer products, retail and media practice in India.

Full story: Ratna Bhushan & Anumeha Chaturvedi: How FMCG cos are breaking the mould and giving bigger portfolios to the young in the Economic Times (19 August, 2015).

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