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The Economic Times – Volatility Calls for Value-Based Leadership

  • 十一月 2015
  • 1 min read

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The Economic Times – Volatility Calls for Value-Based Leadership

In today’s changing, volatile world the task of leadership has become much more difficult and challenging. What attributes do today’s leaders need to succeed, asks India’s The Economic Times in an interview with Egon Zehnder’s CEO Rajeev Vasudeva and Chairman Damien O’Brien. According to Vasudeva, leaders must have a strong sense of values, as well as bringing curiosity, insight, adaptability and resilience to the table. This challenging environment has also raised the expectations and engagement of board directors, notes O’Brien. “With the CEOs tenure getting shorter, the board also has more responsibility for the continuity of the company,” he explains. In O’Brien’s view, today’s boards need individuals who embrace diversity. Vasudeva adds: “Really effective board members are the ones who use, what I call, affirmative inquiry. […] Obviously, board members are there to ask questions, but asking the questions in a motivating way is what matters. Board members need to add constructive value.”

Full story: Saumya Bhattacharya: Adaptability is one of the most important criteria for leadership today: Rajeev Vasudeva and Damien O’Brien, Egon Zehnder in The Economic Times (17 November 2015).


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