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Diederik Amery


+32 2 627 57 35


Diederik Amery, based in Belgium and also covering Luxembourg, provides executive and board search, individual and team appraisals, and leadership development services. His particular focus is on financial services, technology and communications, and engineering environments. He is Office Leader for Belgium and Luxembourg, and he is also an active member of the global Financial Officers and Private Capital Practices.

When you aim for the sky, you will end up high. I love discovering talented people and helping them and their teams to unlock their full potential. My hope that this contributes to a better world gives real purpose to what I do.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Diederik worked for ABN AMRO around the world. His roles at ABN AMRO included Director of Equity Capital Markets (Rothschild JV) and Assistant to a Member of the Managing Board, based in Amsterdam, Vice President of Corporate Finance for Latin America, based in São Paulo, Assistant Vice President Project Finance, based in Amsterdam, and Credit Officer, based in Singapore.

Diederik has an MS in engineering, electrotechnics, and mechanics from the University of Leuven in Belgium, a Diplôme d’Ingénieur en économie et gestion from Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs in Paris, and an MS in energy management and policy from the University of Pennsylvania. When not working, he enjoys long-distance running and spending time with family or friends. He also enjoys attending concerts and outdoor sports like diving, sailing, and skiing.

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