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  • 三月 2017
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder’s Catherine Zhu as panelist at FT NED event “Bridging the Diversity Gap in a New Era”, Hong Kong

To mark International Women’s Day, Catherine Zhu, co-leader of Egon Zehnder’s Greater China Practice, participated in an exclusive panel discussion organized by the Financial Times. The event, “Bridging the diversity gap in a new era” took place on 8 March at the FT offices in Hong Kong. The discussion, moderated by entrepreneur, author and Room to Read founder John Wood, focused on the challenges and opportunities for achieving gender parity in business today. Key takeaways from the discussion were that it is far more challenging to change unconscious biases rooted in culture and behaviors than it is to set gender Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). On a brighter note, the younger generation already holds far more progressive views on gender equality.

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