“Rethinking HR” – Daring to Drive Change
In an era of growing customer focus and fast change, HR leaders are increasingly being asked to drive transformation, reports the Harvard Business Manager. But according to a recent study conducted by the German Association of HR Managers (BPM), Boston Consulting Group, Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Berlin and Egon Zehnder, less than a tenth of the 1,360 HR leaders surveyed believe they currently have high enough levels of core competences to drive change. Commenting on the study, Egon Zehnder’s Jörg Ritter notes: “Many HR managers are worried about what’s heading their way, but they fully intend to rise to the new challenges.” For Ritter, the key question is: how can HR leaders reposition themselves? In the “Rethinking HR” survey he aims to provide some of the answers.
Full Story: Helene Endres and Christina Kestel: Rethinking HR (HR neu denken, Harvard Business Manager, July 2017 – in German only). Paid download at http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/