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Video Interviews

Chief Financial Officers from across industries share perspectives on the changing CFO role and their outlook for the future, delving into their unique career trajectories and shifts in the finance talent landscape. They also share advice for aspiring CFOs and uncover the essential qualities required to ascend from CFO to CEO.

What Does It Take to Go from CFO to CEO?

What Does It Take to Go from CFO to CEO?

Egon Zehnder’s global survey on the changing role of the CFO reveals that 60% of CFOs aspire to become CEO one day. But what… Mehr erfahren

Key Skills for Future CFOs: What You Need to Know

Key Skills for Future CFOs: What You Need to Know

Chief Financial Officers discuss what skills aspiring CFOs need to possess to ascend to the CFO role Mehr erfahren

The Board’s Role in Shaping the CFO Role

The Board’s Role in Shaping the CFO Role

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, reflects on how serving as a board director has broadened his perspective and sharpened his leadership skills as a… Mehr erfahren

The New Superpowers of Today’s CFO

The New Superpowers of Today’s CFO

Discussing the evolution of the CFO role, Jean Hu asserts that CFOs have transitioned into strategic partners for CEOs, unlocking greater opportunities for impact. Mehr erfahren

Adapting to Partner with the CEO

Adapting to Partner with the CEO

Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah, CFO of Uber Technologies, notes the substantial evolution in the CEO's role, particularly the expanded scope of responsibilities. Mehr erfahren

The Role of CFO Then Vs. Now

The Role of CFO Then Vs. Now

Zane Rowe, CFO of Workday, discusses technology, board collaboration, and the importance of finding perspectives in untapped places for innovative ideas. Mehr erfahren

Navigating the CFO Role as a Co-Pilot

Navigating the CFO Role as a Co-Pilot

Howard Ungerleider, CFO of Dow, asserts that today's CFO needs leadership, problem-solving, courage, curiosity, and accountability skills to deliver value for all stakeholders in… Mehr erfahren

Creating a Future-Ready Finance Team

Creating a Future-Ready Finance Team

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, delves into how the CFO role is evolving and the key factors shaping its future. Mehr erfahren

The Pathway to Becoming a Seasoned CFO

The Pathway to Becoming a Seasoned CFO

Amit Banati, CFO of Kellanova, discusses his journey in Finance, emphasizing how diverse experiences across various units and countries equipped him for the CFO… Mehr erfahren

CFO: Balancing Learning and Contribution

CFO: Balancing Learning and Contribution

Howard Ungerleider, CFO of Dow, reflects that the biggest growth opportunities lie on roles where one can both contribute and learn simultaneously. Mehr erfahren

Accounting for Inclusivity in CFO Succession

Accounting for Inclusivity in CFO Succession

The prevalence of women in finance role doesn’t equal a pipeline of future female CFOs. Jean Hu, CFO of AMD shares strategies to rectify… Mehr erfahren

How Finance Talent Benefits from Rotating Positions

How Finance Talent Benefits from Rotating Positions

Jean Hu, CFO of AMD, describes how AMD’s rotation program serves as a strategic tool for career progression across the company’s operations. Mehr erfahren

CFO Dilemma: From Collective Insight to CEO Solitude

CFO Dilemma: From Collective Insight to CEO Solitude

Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah, CFO of Uber Technologies, explores whether operationally oriented CFOs truly possess the qualities needed to become CEOs. Mehr erfahren

Navigating New Magnitudes as a CFO

Navigating New Magnitudes as a CFO

Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah, Uber Technologies' CFO, elaborates on the strategies and networks he leveraged to quickly acclimate and excel in his role at Uber. Mehr erfahren

CFOs, Too, Should Rely on Self-Care

CFOs, Too, Should Rely on Self-Care

Zane Rowe, CFO of Workday, emphasizes the importance of the journey over just the title in attaining the CFO role. Mehr erfahren

The Making of a CFO

The Making of a CFO

Zane Rowe, from his initial CFO role at a global airline to his current position at Workday, shares valuable lessons for aspiring finance professionals… Mehr erfahren

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