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Financial News – Richard Murray-Bruce – Asset Managers May Move Staff After Brexit

  • 2016年08月3日
  • 1 min read

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Financial News – Richard Murray-Bruce – Asset Managers May Move Staff After Brexit

The Brexit vote has unleashed a flurry of activity in the recruitment market, reports Financial News. Richard Murray-Bruce, leader of Egon Zehnder’s Global Asset Management Pratice, confirms this trend. “Bizarrely in the short term we’ve actually seen quite an increase in work that we’ve been asked to do at quite a senior level, covering both asset management and more broadly financial services.” Asset managers are looking more actively at moving staff out of London, to Dublin or Luxembourg, particularly back and middle office staff, explains Murray-Bruce. He also believes that some Europeans based in London will consider returning home in the wake of the referendum.

Full story: Bernard Goyder: Headhunters Are Keeping Their Heads in Financial News (2 August 2016).

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