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Marc Erzberger


+41 22 849 6811


Marc Erzberger, is a trusted advisor to companies in the global consumer and commodities sectors. He works with public companies, private equity and family business owners. Marc brings deep expertise in shaping successions and advancing governance at Board, CEO and C-Level roles. He also advises clients on leadership development for both individuals and their teams, leveraging Egon Zehnder’s unique global one firm approach.

My passion is helping clients gain a competitive advantage through great leadership.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Marc was a Senior Vice President with Partners Group, a private equity investment firm in Switzerland. Previously, he was a Vice President with Quokka Sports, a digital sports media company in San Francisco. Marc began his career in the London office of the Boston Consulting Group advising companies in the consumer sector.

Marc has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BSc in mathematics and management from King’s College in London. Born in Switzerland, Marc grew up in Brazil, the U.K., and the United States. He is fluent in German, French, English, and Portuguese.

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