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Richard Lin


+852 2525 6340


Richard Lin serves as Global Semiconductor Practice Group leader and is also a core member of the firm’s Technology and Communication Practice in Asia. With deep expertise in semiconductor, enterprise technology, and technology officers, he engages clients on executive search, board advisory, and leadership development strategy.

I’ve always been passionate about leadership and technology. At Egon Zehnder, I enjoy pursuing these passions while contributing to the success of our clients and partners.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Richard was Vice President of Asia Sales for Atmel Corporation and was responsible for their broad line semiconductor and solutions business. Previously, he held several global and regional management roles at TriQuint (now Qorvo) in the United States and China. Earlier, he worked in technology marketing at Centillium Communications, a Silicon Valley start-up. Richard began his career in Japan as a Research & Development Engineer for Mitsubishi Electric.

Richard has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto and a master’s degree from Stanford University, both in electrical engineering. He also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. He enjoys travel with his wife and two children, and is an avid hiker and drone videographer.



加入亿康先达之前,林伟仪担任Atmel公司的亚洲销售副总裁,负责半导体业务线。此前,他在TriQuint半导体公司历任各项管理职务,常驻中国和美国。而在 TriQuint之前,他在一家硅谷新创公司Centillium通讯公司担任技术营销工作。林伟仪职业起步于日本,当时他在三菱电机担任研发工程师。


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