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Content related to Board

Obtaining Your First Non-Executive Directorship

Serving as an independent, non-executive director (NED) can be a boon to one’s professional development, as well as a uniquely compelling experience.

The Board Member's Guide to Overseeing AI

A practical guide for corporate directors to harness Artificial Intelligence for their companies.

CISO to Board Member: Enhancing your readiness to serve

Drawing from our experience working with boards and cybersecurity executives over the years, this checklist offers practical insights to enhance your readiness to land your first corporate seat.

Does Your Board Have the Sustainability Expertise It Needs?

A practical guide to determine the right type of sustainability leader for your organization.

How Boards Can be ESG Leaders, Not Followers

In June 2022, Egon Zehnder held the latest event in its Corporate Governance Exchange (CGX) series, which brings together chairs and Nomination & Remuneration Committee chairs to share insights and challenges for board members who want to increase their strategic impact. This CGX event focused on “ESG and the Role of the Board,” and featured Douglas Peterson, President and CEO of S&P Global, as a guest speaker.

Trusting the Process: The Rewards of Early Succession Planning

Though hard to execute, succession is best conceived as an ongoing, future-oriented progression that renews itself the day a new successor takes over.

Why Succession Planning Begins on Day One

At India's first Corporate Governance Exchange event, Douglas Baillie, former CEO of Hindustan Unilever and currently a director at Huhtamaki and Airtel Africa, shares insights on talent management and CEO succession.

2018 Global Board Diversity Tracker: Who's Really On Board?

Egon Zehnder tracked gender and international diversity on boards around the world for the past 14 years. Where do 44 countries stack up?

Global Board Index™ 2014

Companies with global aspirations require boards with global capability. So why don’t their boards reflect this new strategic direction? The findings of the 2014 Egon Zehnder Global Board Index™ reveal a Global Capability Gap, named by Egon Zehnder to describe the disparity between a company’s global footprint and the global experience of board members.

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