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Fortune – The World’s Most Powerful Women: March 16

  • 三月 2017
  • 1 min read

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Fortune – The World’s Most Powerful Women: March 16

Egon Zehnder’s Leaders & Daughters 2017 survey found that women feel empowered and ambitious at the office—but only to a point. Nearly three-quarters of respondents in the early stages of their professional careers said they aim to reach the top level of the corporate ladder. But then, the survey’s results indicate, the so-called glass ceiling effect diminishes that drive.“In a number of geographies, women start out with the world as their oyster,” says Egon Zehnder’s Fiona Packman. “Right out of university they’re ready to go for it,” but that feeling dissipates as their careers progress. The report aims to inspire conversation around women’s career development and identifies patterns that may contribute to existing trends. In celebration of International Women’s Day, in 2017 Egon Zehnder is hosting Leaders & Daughters events in more than 40 cities worldwide.

Full story: Claire Zillman: The World’s Most Powerful Women on (16 March 2017).


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