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突破性领导力发展项目 Leads

Francesco Buquicchio

Francesco Buquicchio

Francesco Buquicchio, based in Milan, is the global leader of the Leadership Advisory practice and is a trusted advisor to CEOs and family… 阅读更多

Explore our 突破性领导力发展项目 Insights




Young Leaders Are Shaping the Future of Organizations

Young Leaders Are Shaping the Future of Organizations


Who are the leaders from younger generations entering the market today? What ideas do they bring and what changes do they provoke? How can… 阅读更多

What Sets Successful Chief Revenue Officers Apart in Turbulent Times?

What Sets Successful Chief Revenue Officers Apart in Turbulent Times?


Companies are facing uncertainty and change, but Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) can help create stability and navigate their organizations through tough times. Based on… 阅读更多

The Key Hire and the Fallacy of the Lone Genius Founder

The Key Hire and the Fallacy of the Lone Genius Founder


The key to startup success: Founders must be open to hiring talented individuals who complement their skills to help address gaps and tackle challenges. 阅读更多

The New Playbook of CFOs

The New Playbook of CFOs


An assertive hiring process doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s crucial to analyze where the organization currently stands, where it wants to go, and how… 阅读更多

Embracing difference – physical disability; ‘the last taboo’?

Embracing difference – physical disability; ‘the last taboo’?


Physical disability is often overlooked when it comes to diversity discussions, and most boards are still at early stages of maturity on the topic.… 阅读更多

Pitfalls of Prosperity

Pitfalls of Prosperity


As organizations grow and thrive, they face unique team building challenges that can hinder their success. In this article, we explore common pitfalls of… 阅读更多

The Power of Being Out

The Power of Being Out


The more we come out, the more change we can affect. 阅读更多

Trusting the Process: The Rewards of Early Succession Planning

Trusting the Process: The Rewards of Early Succession Planning


Though hard to execute, succession is best conceived as an ongoing, future-oriented progression that renews itself the day a new successor takes over. 阅读更多




企业领袖分享历次危机应对心得与对当下的启示 阅读更多

Interview with management thought leader Jim Collins

Interview with management thought leader Jim Collins


“If there is anything that will destroy resilience, then it is hope dashed and dashed again.” 阅读更多

Turning Potential into Success – The Missing Link in Leadership Development

Turning Potential into Success – The Missing Link in Leadership Development


Corporate leadership development programs aren’t working. Less than a quarter of executives at the organizations that have them think they’re effective. Evaluations of managers… 阅读更多

Where values can grow

Where values can grow


How can music contribute to the development of leaders and organizations? What does leadership mean in today’s world? Egon Zehnder in dialogue with Kent… 阅读更多

Transforming in a Disrupted World

Transforming in a Disrupted World


Karl Alleman discusses how during the Great Depression, when most consumer goods companies were dramatically cutting back on marketing, Coca-Cola Chairman Robert Woodruff boldly… 阅读更多

The Case for Counter-Cyclical Hiring and Talent Development in Mining

The Case for Counter-Cyclical Hiring and Talent Development in Mining


The mining industry is still reeling from the withdrawal of a China-induced ‘supercycle’, as the Chinese economy transitions from an investment-driven model to consumer-led… 阅读更多

A company with no passport

A company with no passport


Putting a global mindset to work. 阅读更多

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