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Responding to Activism with Effective Succession Planning

  • 六月 2015
  • 1 min read

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NACD’s Directorship’s Boardroom Intelligence – Responding to Activism with Effective Succession Planning

With activists becoming growing influencers in the investor ecology and having increasingly successful records for changing a board’s makeup, it’s not surprising that many boards are evaluating their plans for responding to an activist slate. Egon Zehnder’s George L. Davis, co-leader of the Global Board Practice and Kim Van Der Zon, leader of the U.S. Board Practice, authored an article exploring the importance of effective succession planning as a defense against activism in NACD Directorship’s Boardroom Intelligence. The piece encourages nominating committees to have strong director succession plans in place that will result in boards clearly relevant for the challenges and opportunities the business is facing.

Full story: Succession Planning is Your Best Defense Against Activism in NACD’s Directorship’s Boardroom Intelligence (11 June 2015).


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