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Quartz – Why Failure Is Fashionable

  • 二月 2016
  • 1 min read

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Quartz – Why Failure Is Fashionable

Top CEOs are increasingly looking for candidates with some experience of failure in their career. Why, asks Quartz? CEOs see failure as character-building and are seeking new hires who have recovered from defeat in the past as this makes them stronger leaders. Asking about failure is a good way to test a person’s honesty and capacity to show vulnerability, agrees Egon Zehnder CEO Rajeev Vasudeva. “It tells me whether a person is self-aware,” he explains. However, “Many people cite small successes as failures,” notes Vasudeeva.

Full story: Jenny Anderson: The experience CEOs want to see in every new hire in Quartz (4 February 2016).


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