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As the world shifts toward a more sustainable future, likewise the energy industry is undergoing a significant transformation. The rapidly increasing need for renewables brings new opportunities and challenges for energy companies and their leaders. These emerging trends are causing major disruption in the energy industry that is being felt throughout the value chain. Companies in conventional and renewable energy, utilities, and services are facing the need to restructure for a more sustainable economy.

Energy leaders must make their organizations more efficient and innovative. They must also adapt to fast changes in technology, geopolitics, and stakeholder opinions. This requires new, and different, leadership.

At Egon Zehnder, our energy consultants work closely across the entire industry to support boards, CEOs, and their teams in creating personalized leadership solutions. We understand how industries change and can help companies find the right talent for leadership roles. We help identify, attract, and develop executives who can keep companies competitive.

Our consultants, who have deep industry experience in energy, technology, and manufacturing, work closely with our colleagues across various sectors, such as Digital and Chemicals, to bring you the best of our Firm. Our diagnostic tools, including board effectiveness reviews and team development programs, help us derive valuable insights into the qualities that make boards, teams, and leaders successful. 

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