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Egon Zehnder’s Gizem Weggemans at The Indie Summit, “A Framework for Leadership”

  • 十二月 2017
  • 2 mins read

A Framework for Leadership

Speech by Gizem Weggemans at The Indie Summit 2017, London

Indie Summit 2017: Gizem Weggemans, Egon Zehnder, 'A Framework for Leadership’ (7 July 2017)

“A Framework for Leadership” was the topic of Gizem Weggemans’ presentation at The Indie Summit at the Royal College of Physicians on 14th June in London. The Indie Summit is the only large-scale global conference and networking event exclusively for Owners, CEOs and Senior Directors of the world’s leading independent marketing and communications agencies. Weggemans, Global Head of Egon Zehnder’s Communications and Public Affairs Officers Practice, asserted that beyond just finding the right person, in owned and operated organizations, leadership and skills development is critical.

Citing a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey of consumer and retail CEOs, Weggemans noted four key themes that emerged when asked what keeps them up at night. These are volatility, speed, change and talent. In fact, 77% of consumer CEOs surveyed worry about the availability of key skills. “You can put all sorts of frameworks, structures and processes in place, but if the people themselves are not apt at responding to and leading through change, it’s hard to imagine an outcome where organizations can thrive against the backdrop of speed and volatility,” said Weggemans. This is even more pertinent for independent agencies for whom human capital is their only asset. In the advisory world, “your lever is the quality of your people,” she added.

Against this backdrop, Weggemans presented Egon Zehnder's framework with which to assess the potential of leaders within an organization, identifying who will be able to survive and thrive in a future world where change will be the only constant. Beyond past competencies, Weggemans explained, Egon Zehnder strives to develop leaders who will display the ability to master complexity, orchestrate creativity, grow emotional commitment, anchor in society and build next-level leadership, adding that above all “curiosity is the most important trait when identifying potential.” Weggemans closed by projecting this point, “We are all as good as the last person we hire and develop – it all starts (and ends) with leadership.”

Full presentation: Indie Summit 2017: Gizem Weggemans, Egon Zehnder, 'A Framework for Leadership’ (7 July 2017)

Further information is available at: The Indie Summit

Follow the discussion in full at #TheIndieSummit


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