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Jacqueline O'Sullivan

Contact Details

+44 2079435826

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Jackie leads Egon Zehnder’s UK Leadership Advisory Practice. She has over a decade of experience assessing and developing individuals and teams, and advising Boards and CEOs on succession planning. She has led global assessment and development projects in corporate clients and growth businesses, and has worked across a range of industries and sectors. She is passionate about developing executives and is known for her insights into people and compassionate yet challenging approach to learning and development.

Jackie was based in New York before moving to London. Prior to Egon Zehnder, Jackie worked in HR in the field of specialty veterinary medicine, with a particular focus on building HR processes and training programmes.

Jackie earned a BA in English Literature from Queens College in New York and a MSc in Organisational Change from Ashridge Business School in the UK. She is also certified in various psychometric tools.

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