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Shawna Carter

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+1 416 681 3601

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Shawna Carter, based in Toronto, is a trusted advisor to clients on executive search, assessment, and development. She leads Egon Zehnder’s asset management practice in Canada, with a particular focus on the global community of pensions, sovereign wealth funds, and long-term asset owners. She also co-leads the Human Resources practice in Canada, working across industries with CHROs and their teams on their top talent priorities.

When an organization and the right leader find each other, together they make magic. Where we help that happen, our scope for impact is immeasurable.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Shawna was Managing Director, Membership for the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA), an industry group for the world’s leading private equity investors; she was responsible for cultivating relationships with pre-eminent global investors and advancing ILPA’s activities in line with its members’ industry priorities. Before that, Shawna spent 10+ years as a management consultant with the Monitor Group, advising clients across Europe, Africa, and North America on growth and customer strategies.

Shawna earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Queen’s University in Kingston, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and an MBA from Columbia Business School. She is also a certified sommelier, with credentials from the Court of Master Sommeliers and the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers. Outside of work, Shawna can often be found with her husband and toddler daughter along the shores of the Beach where they live in Toronto’s east end.

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