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  • October 2012
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Claudio Fernández-Aráoz gives WOBI Talk on young tigers

Two unprecedented phenomena are currently impacting the global talent picture: demographics and globalization, notes Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, a Senior Adviser at Egon Zehnder International, in a podcast for World of Business Ideas. In terms of demographics, the problem is a shrinking global population. This problem is particularly acute in the 35-45 year old age group, or the so-called “young tigers”, he notes. These individuals have the strength, youth and experience to drive global growth, but their numbers have fallen by 10 percent over last decade. More worryingly, research indicates that this trend is set to continue. The second phenomenon is the deficit of young talent in emerging countries, which threatens to seriously curb growth in these key economies. What are the defining factors of top talent, asks Fernández-Aráoz? In his view, there are three core elements of leadership potential. Firstly, an individual’s motivation, or willingness to have a big impact in the interest of the larger organization, is a key predictor of high potential. Secondly, high potentials tend to have a series of leadership assets including demonstrating resolve and the ability to learn and gain insights. The third element of potential is having a senior executive identity and being able to see yourself in this role, Fernández-Aráoz concludes.

For more information watch the full “Spotlight” podcast featuring Claudio Fernández-Aráoz at World of Business Ideas at

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