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Egon Zehnder's Ayşe Güçlü Onur co-founds Initiative to Help Women Return to Work

  • June 2017
  • 1 min read
Egon Zehnder's Ayşe Güçlü Onur co-founds Initiative to Help Women Return to Work

Egon Zehnder consultant Ayşe Güçlü Onur, is co-founder of YenidenBiz, a non-profit organization that aims to help Turkish women return to work after extended career breaks. YenidenBiz has supported 120 women in resuming their careers over the past two years and cooperates with over 30 of Turkey’s large companies. YenidenBiz disseminates information on job opportunities, but encourages women to take ownership of the job search process. According to Onur, motherhood is the reason why 65 percent of woman do not work in Turkey, where over 400,000 non-working women have a university degree.

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