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Handelszeitung – Philippe Hertig: Leadership Success Does Not Depend on Nationality

  • July 2016
  • 1 min read

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Handelszeitung – Philippe Hertig: Leadership Success Does Not Depend on Nationality

Swiss firms are increasingly opting for foreign leaders, reports the Handelszeitung. But the nationality of decision-makers in large Swiss companies has become largely irrelevant, notes Egon Zehnder’s Philippe Hertig. Leadership competence is a far more important success factor, he adds. Foreign leaders should naturally be familiar with the key business topics in Switzerland, but knowledge of business conditions and cultural issues overseas is even more valuable, he explains. Looking at the bigger picture, Hertig argues that the choice of CEO alone no longer defines a company’s success. In his view, the internationality of the executive team plays a far more crucial role.

Full story: Caroline Freigang: Why Swiss Firms Are Opting for Foreign Leaders (Warum Schweizer Firmen auf ausländische Chefs setzen) in Handelszeitung (11 July 2016).

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