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“Inspiring the next generation of female technology creators”

  • September 2013
  • 1 min read

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HR Grapevine – “Inspiring the next generation of female technology creators”

The UK’s National Museum of Computing has launched a new gallery dedicated to women in computing in an effort to redress the gender imbalance in the technology industry. Whilst in WW2 women made up most of the staff at Bletchley Park, home to the secret code-breaking unit, today only one in ten of a school group visiting is a girl. The new gallery dedicated to Women in Computing is intended to promote positive role models for women and girls to inspire the next generation.

Sven Petersen, lead consultant for information technology in London for Egon Zehnder said: “There has been a structural issue; quite simply not enough girls have been studying science subjects and going into computing, but those that have have often built enormously successful careers in technology. I don’t think it’s a question of discrimination in the workplace, more that there’s been a problem at the educational stage.”

“What’s actually needed are reforms to the education system to increase digital literacy for everyone – men and women – to expand both the next generation of talent coming into technology roles and those in general management who increasingly need a better understanding of the digital world.”

Full Story: Inspiring the next generation of female technology creators, HR Grapevine (13 September 2013).

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