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Livemint – How Women Can Take Charge of Their Own Careers

  • March 2016
  • 1 min read

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Livemint – How Women Can Take Charge of Their Own Careers

How can women take control and carve their own path to top leaderships positions, asks Egon Zehnder’s Namrita Shahani Jhangiani in livemint? In her view, it is essential for women to see themselves as leaders and retain their aspiration, whatever happens in their personal lives. “A large part of leadership is believing that you can be a leader”, writes Shahani Jhangiani. Unfortunately, women often tend to doubt their own abilities when confronted with new challenges. Shahani Jhangiani urges them to do just the opposite: “My advice to young women is that it is important to be bold and say yes to what scares you and take every opportunity to realize your full potential.” She also advises women to get mentors to build their confidence, and to create a supportive environment so that they can avoid the precarious “aspiration cliff.”

Full story: Namrita Shahani Jhangiani: Women need to help themselves to keep aspirations alive in livemint (23 March 2016).

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