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Mastering change, cultivating the right talent

  • January 2015
  • 1 min read

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The Huffington Post – Mastering change, cultivating the right talent

As the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland drew to a close this week, Egon Zehnder CEO Rajeev Vasudeva shared his thoughts with the Huffington Post on shifting the focus of tomorrow’s leaders to cultivate the right talent in the new global context. “Despite the seismic shifts that are taking place, organizations have remained wedded to ‘competencies’ and experience as the best predictors of future success,” said Vasudeva, adding that this approach is failing in today’s era of constant change. “Leaders in the new global context must have the ability to master the changing complexities while orchestrating processes that promote continuous creativity in the organization.” He also said that potential is the trump card to meet these challenges and that leaders of tomorrow must focus on recognizing and fostering potential, recognizing that there exists a fundamental misunderstanding of what great talent looks like, not a skills gap.

Read the full article, A Misunderstanding of Talent: Unlocking Great Leadership Potential in the New Global Context, by Rajeev Vasudeva published by the Huffington Post (22 January 2015).

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