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Leadership Development Programs

“The success or failure of every change depends on good leadership” – Michael Ensser in the brand eins special issue: “Consulting”

  • May 2017
  • 1 min read

“Like many of our clients, we are just setting off on a digital journey of discovery.” These are the opening words of a brief statement by Michael Ensser, Managing Partner of Egon Zehnder in Germany, in the brand eins special issue on the topic of “Consulting”. In the article, various leading figures from the consultancy business summarise their respective assessments of current challenges, with a special focus on digitalisation. “Social and professional networks are creating new communication channels, not least for top managers,” says Ensser and points to new “business model rationales,” adding that is now more important to look at the future potential of a manager than at their past successes. Ensser describes how Egon Zehnder is increasingly supervising “success-critical change processes together with senior corporate leaders”: “The success or failure of every change,” he says, “depends on good leadership.” With this in mind, he considers that “our future role will, above all, be that of a Leadership Advisor.”

Gesine Braun, Brigitta Palass, Susanne Risch, Teamwork with hands, hearts and minds, brand eins special issue “Consulting”, May – July 2017, (in German only) available as a paid download on the brand eins website.

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