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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Egon Zehnder Chairwoman Stands Against Racism, Discrimination, and Social Injustice

  • June 2020
  • 1 min read

In the US we’ve seen outrage against injustice expressed in the form of protests across the country. Racism, discrimination, and social injustice are never acceptable in the US or anywhere else. Indeed, in many areas of the world where we have offices we’ve seen massive protests against inequality and social injustice. Sadly, the issues are all too familiar.

We can’t look the other way.  We believe in Leadership for a Better World and we’re proud to unlock the potential of human difference by placing a diverse array of candidates in key roles. But it’s not just about placing them; it’s also about making sure that we are not unintentionally propagating discrimination. We need to dig deep to understand everyone we are hiring, assessing and developing. Our clients expect us to be informed about these issues as we work to create a better world. They also expect us to build teams that don’t judge people by the colour of their skin, their religion, their sexuality or their gender. It really matters who sits in those seats and who leads our organisations. We have the power to make a difference.

Read the support from our U.S. Leader Karl Alleman:

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